Pablo Valverde

Motion design project for Diageo, the UK company that owns big brands like Guinness or Johnnie Walker. 

Diageo Motion design project
Diageo Motion design project
Diageo Motion design project

Project goals

By 2030, Diageo are aiming to improve their water efficiency by 30% globally and by 40% in water stressed areas. Focusing on innovation and collaboration their programs aim to help provide for local communities, support the education and empowering of women, and fight back against climate change. And to explain this project they chose a motion graphic video series.

Diageo Motion design project
Diageo Motion design project
Character design


Our goal was to use a visual style in which real images of Diageo bottles coexist with backgrounds, assets and 2D characters. Liquid fluids and bubbles help generate their brand universe for this motion design project.

Diageo universe

They’re also investing in an incredible and ground-breaking project that will create a more sustainable aluminium supply chain. For this we made a graphic universe according to the branding of Diageo, using its palette of gradients and its elegance inspired by each of its bottles.

Diageo Motion design project
Diageo Motion design project
Diageo Motion design project

Production: Alex Morris

Agency: Lambda Films

Design & Animation: Pablo Valverde

Client: Diageo